About Leah

Welcome. You’re here because you want a change and are looking for somebody to help you through that process.

I’ve been working with teens and families for over 20 years, first as an educator and currently as a therapist. Education was my first love, but after hearing so many students tell me some version of “I don’t need to learn Spanish, I need to stop crying…to stop fighting with my dad…to do something about my anger,” I left education to meet this need I was hearing. To achieve that goal, I received a master’s degree in Couple and Family Therapy at Antioch University Seattle, and became licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist.

Of course, where there are teens, there are families. And where there are families there are adults occupying the role of parent while balancing their roles as child, worker, and community member. All while managing the challenges that are an inevitable part of life. It’s not unusual to become overwhelmed at times—it can be a lot. That’s what my work is about. It’s about helping you find your way through the roles and challenges, and toward a life that embodies your values and intentions.

Like everybody else, I occupy many roles in my life and negotiate them as well as I can. These include public roles of therapist and community member, as well as the private roles of mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Like you, I negotiate those roles within the larger context of the social forces that shape life. I know that those social forces impact each of us differently, so that each person and each family work toward different solutions, using different strategies.

I am particularly passionate about issues of justice and how individuals, families, and communities negotiate their relationships with an inequitable world. The dreamers and doers who are envisioning and creating new possibilities face significant challenges because of their inability to tolerate the world as it is. Finding a space to heal and take care of yourself is an essential part of continuing your work for the long term. I would be honored to support you in your work.