

Individual Therapy

My approach to therapy for all clients is person-centered, trauma-informed, and integrative, and is tailored to your personal concerns, culture, and goals. I am systemic in my orientation, viewing the individual as part of larger systems that create the context in which the individual operates. These systems include the family, as well as social and work circles, and larger societal systems. I often help individuals recognize the ways their responses to challenges may be shaped by their communities and societal expectations so that they are able to explore new solutions and possibilities for responding to life.

Therapy for Teens and Young Adults

This is a hard time to be young. I could list all the reasons why, but I won’t because you already know and are likely experiencing some degree of anxiety or depression relating to the way the world is, the expectations on you, and the future. Because your needs and goals are what drive the therapy, each person’s therapy looks very different. I meet you where you are at, using the channels that are alive for you. If you write, or make art, or need to move, or want to sit and talk, bring that into our time together. If you need “skills,” I’ll help you learn skills, practice them, and integrate them into your life. If you need to say what’s true, I’ll listen and help you hold that truth without being overwhelmed. If you need to show yourself, I’ll see you, and help you learn to be comfortable being seen.

Family Therapy

Each family is its own world, with its own values, priorities, and ways of communicating. My job is to bring forward and strengthen the already existing connections, which will then form a foundation for each member to try on new ways of relating with each other. Through this process families will find new ways of responding to the concerns that led them to seek therapy.